Paramagnetix is Pioneering Portable Chemical Detection
Our technology enables food producers, retailers, and consumers to monitor the safety, freshness, and shelf life of food, and to reduce global food wastage.
Know food freshness, safety & quality
in seconds ...
Contaminated and spoiled food is a common cause of illness and even fatality. Businesses, not knowing the shelf life of their food products, are forced to throw out millions of dollars of food every day.
Our Solution
The first portable, magnetic resonance technology based diagnostic device to rapidly monitor the quality, freshness and safety of the food we eat.
With the Paramagnetix handheld device you can:
rapidly determine the presence of allergens in foodstuff you buy, or eat at restaurants, schools, campus dining halls, and while vacationing
accurately predict the shelf life of food - how much longer
fish is good
cheese fresh to sell
cooked leftovers safe to eat
Our Technology
Pioneering Portable Chemical Detection
Paramagnetix is a tech startup based in the Silicon Valley, that focuses on testing food quality and safety. We design groundbreaking idea to contribute towards a better tomorrow.
With our technology the food industry can increase sales and reduce waste, improving the bottom line.
Our portable device is based on proven magnetic resonance technology. It rapidly detects the presence of chemical reactions and can identify dangerous byproducts, including allergens, pathogens, poisons, and other harmful substances.
Food producers, distributors and consumers can now determine, in real-time, the freshness and safety of foods sold or consumed.